Quarterly Employment
Annual Employment
Employment by County
Employment by Industry
Shift-Share Trend
Firm Count by Industry, Size
Firm Count Comparison
Non-Employer Statistics
Fastest Growing Industries
Industry Clusters
Wages & Income
Annual Payroll
Annual Salary
Average Salary by Industry
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Income & Benefits
Poverty Rate
Monthly Unemployment
Annual Unemployment
College Graduates
College Graduates, Race/Gender
College Enrollment
Fastest Growing Occupations
Occupation Clusters
College Degree Clusters
Population & Growth Components
Population, 1920-2020
Migration, In
Migration, Out
Migration Snapshot
Population by County
Population by Race
Population by Age/Race/Gender
Age Distribution
Age Distribution by Race/Gender
Age Distribution
Educational Attainment
Employment Status by Educational Attainment
Employment Status
Field of Study by College Degree
Household Income
Per Capita Income
Travel Time to Work
Computer & Internet Access
Poverty Status by Educational Attainment
Data Profile Tables
Housing Permits, Annual
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Social Security Recipients (OASDI)
Social Security Payments (OASDI)
Veterans-Related Expenditures
Exports by Industry
Agricultural Production
Patents by County
Data Download
County Map
Contact Us
Data Sources
Update History
Major Industry Definitions
Industry Cluster Definitions
Occupation Cluster Definitions
Bubble Chart Explanation
Shift Share Explanation
Quarterly Employment
Annual Employment
Employment by County
Employment by Industry
Shift-Share Trend
Firm Count by Industry, Size
Firm Count Comparison
Non-Employer Statistics
Fastest Growing Industries
Industry Clusters
Wages & Income
Annual Payroll
Annual Salary
Average Salary by Industry
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Income & Benefits
Poverty Rate
Monthly Unemployment
Annual Unemployment
College Graduates
College Graduates, Race/Gender
College Enrollment
Fastest Growing Occupations
Occupation Clusters
College Degree Clusters
Population & Growth Components
Population, 1920-2020
Migration, In
Migration, Out
Migration Snapshot
Population by County
Population by Race
Population by Age/Race/Gender
Age Distribution
Age Distribution by Race/Gender
Age Distribution
Educational Attainment
Employment Status by Educational Attainment
Employment Status
Field of Study by College Degree
Household Income
Per Capita Income
Travel Time to Work
Computer & Internet Access
Poverty Status by Educational Attainment
Data Profile Tables
Housing Permits, Annual
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Social Security Recipients (OASDI)
Social Security Payments (OASDI)
Veterans-Related Expenditures
Exports by Industry
Agricultural Production
Patents by County
Data Download
County Map
Contact Us
Data Sources
Update History
Major Industry Definitions
Industry Cluster Definitions
Occupation Cluster Definitions
Bubble Chart Explanation
Shift Share Explanation
Annual Payroll
Current Settings:
Three Rivers Region
10 - All Industries
Start Year:
End Year:
Change Settings
Three Rivers Region
Butts County, GA
Carroll County, GA
Coweta County, GA
Heard County, GA
Lamar County, GA
Pike County, GA
Meriwether County, GA
Spalding County, GA
Troup County, GA
Upson County, GA
Atlanta Metro
Three Rivers Region
10 - All Industries
101 - Goods-Producing
102 - Service-Providing
105 - Private Sector
1031 - Private sector
90 - Government
1011 - Natural Resources and Mining
1012 - Construction
1013 - Manufacturing
1021 - Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
1022 - Information
1023 - Financial Activities
1024 - Professional and Business Services
1025 - Health Services & Private Education
1026 - Leisure and Hospitality
1027 - Other Services
1029 - Unclassified
1030 - Government
11 - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
22 - Utilities
23 - Construction
31-33 - Manufacturing
42 - Wholesale trade
44-45 - Retail trade
48-49 - Transportation and warehousing
51 - Information
52 - Finance and insurance
53 - Real estate and rental and leasing
54 - Professional and technical services
55 - Management of companies and enterprises
56 - Administrative and waste services
61 - Educational services
62 - Health care and social assistance
71 - Arts, entertainment, and recreation
72 - Accommodation and food services
81 - Other services, except public administration
99 - Unclassified
901 - Federal
902 - State
903 - Local
111 - Crop production
112 - Animal production
113 - Forestry and logging
221 - Utilities
236 - Construction of buildings
237 - Heavy and civil engineering construction
238 - Specialty trade contractors
311 - Food manufacturing
312 - Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
313 - Textile mills
314 - Textile product mills
321 - Wood product manufacturing
322 - Paper manufacturing
323 - Printing and related support activities
325 - Chemical manufacturing
326 - Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
327 - Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
332 - Fabricated metal product manufacturing
333 - Machinery manufacturing
335 - Electrical equipment and appliance mfg.
336 - Transportation equipment manufacturing
337 - Furniture and related product manufacturing
339 - Miscellaneous manufacturing
423 - Merchant wholesalers, durable goods
424 - Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
425 - Electronic markets and agents and brokers
441 - Motor vehicle and parts dealers
444 - Building material and garden supply stores
445 - Food and beverage stores
484 - Truck transportation
488 - Support activities for transportation
492 - Couriers and messengers
493 - Warehousing and storage
512 - Motion picture and sound recording industries
513 - Broadcasting and telecommunications
516 - S02 516 Internet publishing and broadcasting
517 - Telecommunications
518 - Data processing, hosting and related services
522 - Credit intermediation and related activities
523 - Securities, commodity contracts, investments
524 - Insurance carriers and related activities
531 - Real estate
532 - Rental and leasing services
541 - Professional and Technical Services
551 - Management of companies and enterprises
561 - Administrative and support services
562 - Waste management and remediation services
611 - Educational services
621 - Ambulatory health care services
622 - Hospitals
623 - Nursing and residential care facilities
624 - Social assistance
713 - Amusements, gambling, and recreation
721 - Accommodation
722 - Food services and drinking places
811 - Repair and maintenance
812 - Personal and laundry services
813 - Membership associations and organizations
814 - Private households
999 - Unclassified
90102 - Federal Govt, Service providing
90202 - State Govt, Service providing
90302 - Local Govt, Service providing
901021 - Federal Govt, Trade, transportation, and utilities
901023 - Federal Govt, Financial activities
901024 - Federal Govt, Professional and business services
901028 - Federal Govt, Public administration
902021 - State Govt, Trade, transportation, and utilities
902022 - State Govt, Information
902025 - State Govt, Health Services & Priv. Ed.
902027 - State Govt, Other services
902028 - State Govt, Public administration
902029 - State Govt, Unclassified
903021 - Local Govt, Trade, transportation, and utilities
903022 - Local Govt, Information
903023 - Local Govt, Financial activities
903024 - Local Govt, Professional and business services
903025 - Local Govt, Health Services & Priv. Ed.
903028 - Local Govt, Public administration
1114 - Greenhouse and nursery production
1121 - Cattle ranching and farming
1123 - Poultry and egg production
1133 - Logging
2361 - Residential building construction
2362 - Nonresidential building construction
2371 - Utility system construction
2373 - Highway, street, and bridge construction
2379 - Other heavy construction
2381 - Building foundation and exterior contractors
2382 - Building equipment contractors
2383 - Building finishing contractors
2389 - Other specialty trade contractors
3121 - Beverage manufacturing
3133 - Textile and fabric finishing mills
3141 - Textile furnishings mills
3149 - Other textile product mills
3219 - Other wood product manufacturing
3222 - Converted paper product manufacturing
3231 - Printing and related support activities
3256 - Soap, cleaning compound, and toiletry mfg.
3279 - Other nonmetallic mineral products
3323 - Architectural and structural metals mfg.
3327 - Machine shops and threaded product mfg.
3331 - Ag., construction, and mining machinery mfg.
3339 - Other general purpose machinery manufacturing
3362 - Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
3363 - Motor vehicle parts manufacturing
3371 - Household and institutional furniture mfg.
3391 - Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
3399 - Other miscellaneous manufacturing
4231 - Motor vehicle and parts merchant wholesalers
4233 - Lumber and const. supply merchant wholesalers
4234 - Commercial equip. merchant wholesalers
4236 - Electric goods merchant wholesalers
4237 - Hardware and plumbing merchant wholesalers
4238 - Machinery and supply merchant wholesalers
4239 - Misc. durable goods merchant wholesalers
4243 - Apparel and piece goods merchant wholesalers
4244 - Grocery and related product wholesalers
4246 - Chemical merchant wholesalers
4247 - Petroleum merchant wholesalers
4249 - Misc. nondurable goods merchant wholesalers
4251 - Electronic markets and agents and brokers
4411 - Automobile dealers
4412 - Other motor vehicle dealers
4413 - Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores
4441 - Building material and supplies dealers
4442 - Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores
4451 - Grocery stores
4452 - Specialty food stores
4453 - Beer, wine, and liquor stores
4841 - General freight trucking
4842 - Specialized freight trucking
4859 - Other ground passenger transportation
4881 - Support activities for air transportation
4884 - Support activities for road transportation
4885 - Freight transportation arrangement
4922 - Local messengers and local delivery
4931 - Warehousing and storage
5121 - Motion picture and video industries
5171 - Wired telecommunications carriers
5182 - Data processing, hosting and related services
5221 - Depository credit intermediation
5222 - Nondepository credit intermediation
5223 - Activities related to credit intermediation
5231 - Securities and commodity contracts brokerage
5239 - Other financial investment activities
5241 - Insurance carriers
5242 - Insurance agencies and brokerages
5311 - Lessors of real estate
5312 - Offices of real estate agents and brokers
5313 - Activities related to real estate
5321 - Automotive equipment rental and leasing
5322 - Consumer goods rental
5324 - Machinery and equipment rental and leasing
5411 - Legal services
5412 - Accounting and bookkeeping services
5413 - Architectural and engineering services
5414 - Specialized design services
5415 - Computer systems design and related services
5416 - Management and technical consulting services
5417 - Scientific research and development services
5418 - Advertising, PR, and related services
5419 - Other professional and technical services
5511 - Management of companies and enterprises
5611 - Office administrative services
5612 - Facilities support services
5613 - Employment services
5614 - Business support services
5616 - Investigation and security services
5617 - Services to buildings and dwellings
5619 - Other support services
6111 - Elementary and secondary schools
6114 - Business, computer and management training
6116 - Other schools and instruction
6211 - Offices of physicians
6212 - Offices of dentists
6213 - Offices of other health practitioners
6214 - Outpatient care centers
6215 - Medical and diagnostic laboratories
6216 - Home health care services
6219 - Other ambulatory health care services
6231 - Nursing care facilities
6233 - Community care facilities for the elderly
6239 - Other residential care facilities
6241 - Individual and family services
6244 - Child day care services
7112 - Spectator sports
7115 - Independent artists, writers, and performers
7139 - Other amusement and recreation industries
7211 - Traveler accommodation
7223 - Special food services
7224 - Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
7225 - Restaurants and other eating places
8111 - Automotive repair and maintenance
8113 - Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
8114 - Household goods repair and maintenance
8121 - Personal care services
8122 - Death care services
8123 - Drycleaning and laundry services
8129 - Other personal services
8131 - Religious organizations
8133 - Social advocacy organizations
8134 - Civic and social organizations
8139 - Professional and similar organizations
8141 - Private households
9999 - Unclassified
491001 - Postal Service, Federal
11142 - Nursery and floriculture production
11331 - Logging
23611 - Residential building construction
23621 - Industrial building construction
23622 - Commercial building construction
23711 - Water and sewer system construction
23713 - Power and communication system construction
23731 - Highway, street, and bridge construction
23799 - Other heavy construction
23811 - Poured concrete structure contractors
23814 - Masonry contractors
23815 - Glass and glazing contractors
23816 - Roofing contractors
23817 - Siding contractors
23819 - Other building exterior contractors
23821 - Electrical and wiring contractors
23822 - Plumbing and HVAC contractors
23829 - Other building equipment contractors
23831 - Drywall and insulation contractors
23832 - Painting and wall covering contractors
23833 - Flooring contractors
23834 - Tile and terrazzo contractors
23835 - Finish carpentry contractors
23891 - Site preparation contractors
23899 - All other specialty trade contractors
31411 - Carpet and rug mills
32221 - Paperboard container manufacturing
32311 - Printing
32561 - Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing
32619 - Other plastics product manufacturing
32799 - All other nonmetallic mineral products mfg.
33271 - Machine shops
33621 - Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
33712 - Other household and institutional furniture
33911 - Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
33995 - Sign manufacturing
42331 - Lumber and wood merchant wholesalers
42332 - Masonry material merchant wholesalers
42333 - Roofing and siding merchant wholesalers
42343 - Computer and software merchant wholesalers
42345 - Medical equipment merchant wholesalers
42361 - Elec. equip. and wiring merchant wholesalers
42373 - HVAC equip. merchant wholesalers
42382 - Farm and garden equip. merchant wholesalers
42383 - Industrial machinery merchant wholesalers
42384 - Industrial supplies merchant wholesalers
42393 - Recyclable material merchant wholesalers
42399 - All other durable goods merchant wholesalers
42447 - Meat and meat product merchant wholesalers
42469 - Other chemicals merchant wholesalers
42472 - Other petroleum merchant wholesalers
42512 - Wholesale trade agents and brokers
44111 - New car dealers
44112 - Used car dealers
44122 - Motorcycle, boat, and other vehicle dealers
44411 - Home centers
44511 - Supermarkets and other grocery stores
48411 - General freight trucking, local
48412 - General freight trucking, long-distance
48421 - Used household and office goods moving
48422 - Other specialized trucking, local
48423 - Other specialized trucking, long-distance
48599 - Other ground passenger transportation
48819 - Other support activities for air transport.
48841 - Motor vehicle towing
48851 - Freight transportation arrangement
49221 - Local messengers and local delivery
49311 - General warehousing and storage
51211 - Motion picture and video production
51711 - Wired telecommunications carriers
51821 - Data processing, hosting and related services
52211 - Commercial banking
52213 - Credit unions
52229 - Other nondepository credit intermediation
52421 - Insurance agencies and brokerages
52429 - Other insurance related activities
53111 - Lessors of residential buildings
53112 - Lessors of nonresidential buildings
53113 - Miniwarehouse and self-storage unit operators
53121 - Offices of real estate agents and brokers
53131 - Real estate property managers
53132 - Offices of real estate appraisers
53139 - Other activities related to real estate
53211 - Passenger car rental and leasing
53212 - Truck, trailer, and RV rental and leasing
53228 - Other consumer goods rental
53241 - Heavy machinery rental and leasing
54111 - Offices of lawyers
54119 - Other legal services
54121 - Accounting and bookkeeping services
54133 - Engineering services
54137 - Other surveying and mapping services
54138 - Testing laboratories
54141 - Interior design services
54149 - Other specialized design services
54151 - Computer systems design and related services
54161 - Management consulting services
54162 - Environmental consulting services
54169 - Other technical consulting services
54181 - Advertising agencies
54192 - Photographic services
54194 - Veterinary services
54199 - All other professional and technical services
55111 - Management of companies and enterprises
56111 - Office administrative services
56121 - Facilities support services
56131 - Employment placement and executive search
56132 - Temporary help services
56133 - Professional employer organizations
56143 - Business service centers
56149 - Other business support services
56161 - Security and armored car services
56162 - Security systems services
56171 - Exterminating and pest control services
56172 - Janitorial services
56173 - Landscaping services
56174 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning services
56179 - Other services to buildings and dwellings
56199 - All other support services
56291 - Remediation services
61111 - Elementary and secondary schools
61161 - Fine arts schools
61162 - Sports and recreation instruction
61169 - All other schools and instruction
62111 - Offices of physicians
62121 - Offices of dentists
62131 - Offices of chiropractors
62132 - Offices of optometrists
62133 - Offices of mental health practitioners
62134 - Offices of specialty therapists
62139 - Offices of all other health practitioners
62142 - Outpatient mental health centers
62149 - Other outpatient care centers
62151 - Medical and diagnostic laboratories
62161 - Home health care services
62311 - Nursing care facilities
62331 - Community care facilities for the elderly
62399 - Other residential care facilities
62411 - Child and youth services
62412 - Services for the elderly and disabled
62419 - Other individual and family services
62441 - Child day care services
71121 - Spectator sports
71151 - Independent artists, writers, and performers
71391 - Golf courses and country clubs
71394 - Fitness and recreational sports centers
71399 - All other amusement and recreation industries
72111 - Hotels and motels, except casino hotels
72231 - Food service contractors
72232 - Caterers
72241 - Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
72251 - Restaurants and other eating places
81111 - Automotive mechanical and electrical repair
81112 - Automotive body, interior, and glass repair
81119 - Other automotive repair and maintenance
81131 - Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
81141 - Home and garden equip. and appliance repair
81211 - Hair, nail, and skin care services
81219 - Other personal care services
81221 - Funeral homes and funeral services
81232 - Drycleaning and laundry services
81291 - Pet care, except veterinary, services
81299 - All other personal services
81311 - Religious organizations
81331 - Social advocacy organizations
81341 - Civic and social organizations
81391 - Business associations
81411 - Private households
99999 - Unclassified
611103 - Elementary and secondary schools; Local
611105 - Elementary and secondary schools; Private
611202 - Junior colleges; State
611302 - Colleges, universities, and professional schools; State
611405 - Business schools and computer and management training; Priva
611502 - Technical and trade schools; State
611605 - Other schools and instruction; Private
622302 - Specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals
111421 - Nursery and tree production
113310 - Logging
236115 - New single-family general contractors
236118 - Residential remodelers
236210 - Industrial building construction
236220 - Commercial building construction
237110 - Water and sewer system construction
237130 - Power and communication system construction
237310 - Highway, street, and bridge construction
237990 - Other heavy construction
238111 - Residential poured foundation contractors
238112 - Nonresidential poured foundation contractors
238141 - Residential masonry contractors
238142 - Nonresidential masonry contractors
238152 - Nonresidential glass and glazing contractors
238192 - Other nonresidential exterior contractors
238211 - Residential electrical contractors
238212 - Nonresidential electrical contractors
238221 - Residential plumbing and HVAC contractors
238222 - Nonresidential plumbing and HVAC contractors
238292 - Other nonresidential building equipment contrac
238321 - Residential painting contractors
238341 - Residential tile and terrazzo contractors
238911 - Residential site preparation contractors
238912 - Nonresidential site preparation contractors
238991 - All other residential trade contractors
238992 - All other nonresidential trade contractors
314110 - Carpet and rug mills
323111 - Commercial gravure printing
326199 - All other plastics product manufacturing
332323 - Ornamental and architectural metal work mfg.
332710 - Machine shops
336211 - Motor vehicle body manufacturing
339950 - Sign manufacturing
423310 - Lumber and wood merchant wholesalers
423320 - Masonry material merchant wholesalers
423330 - Roofing and siding merchant wholesalers
423430 - Computer and software merchant wholesalers
423450 - Medical equipment merchant wholesalers
423610 - Elec. equip. and wiring merchant wholesalers
423730 - HVAC equip. merchant wholesalers
423820 - Farm and garden equip. merchant wholesalers
423830 - Industrial machinery merchant wholesalers
423840 - Industrial supplies merchant wholesalers
423930 - Recyclable material merchant wholesalers
423990 - All other durable goods merchant wholesalers
424470 - Meat and meat product merchant wholesalers
424690 - Other chemicals merchant wholesalers
424720 - Other petroleum merchant wholesalers
425120 - Wholesale trade agents and brokers
441110 - New car dealers
441120 - Used car dealers
444110 - Home centers
445110 - Supermarkets and other grocery stores
484110 - General freight trucking, local
484121 - General freight trucking, long-distance TL
484122 - General freight trucking, long-distance LTL
484210 - Used household and office goods moving
484220 - Other specialized trucking, local
484230 - Other specialized trucking, long-distance
488190 - Other support activities for air transport.
488410 - Motor vehicle towing
488510 - Freight transportation arrangement
492210 - Local messengers and local delivery
493110 - General warehousing and storage
512110 - Motion picture and video production
518210 - Data processing, hosting and related services
522110 - Commercial banking
522130 - Credit unions
522291 - Consumer lending
522292 - Real estate credit
524126 - Direct property and casualty insurers
524210 - Insurance agencies and brokerages
524291 - Claims adjusting
531110 - Lessors of residential buildings
531120 - Lessors of nonresidential buildings
531130 - Miniwarehouse and self-storage unit operators
531210 - Offices of real estate agents and brokers
531311 - Residential property managers
531312 - Nonresidential property managers
531320 - Offices of real estate appraisers
531390 - Other activities related to real estate
532120 - Truck, trailer, and RV rental and leasing
532283 - Home health equipment rental
532412 - Other heavy machinery rental and leasing
541110 - Offices of lawyers
541211 - Offices of certified public accountants
541213 - Tax preparation services
541214 - Payroll services
541219 - Other accounting services
541330 - Engineering services
541370 - Other surveying and mapping services
541380 - Testing laboratories
541410 - Interior design services
541490 - Other specialized design services
541511 - Custom computer programming services
541512 - Computer systems design services
541611 - Administrative management consulting services
541613 - Marketing consulting services
541614 - Process and logistics consulting services
541618 - Other management consulting services
541620 - Environmental consulting services
541690 - Other technical consulting services
541715 - Research and development in the physical, engineering, and l
541810 - Advertising agencies
541940 - Veterinary services
541990 - All other professional and technical services
551112 - Offices of other holding companies
551114 - Managing offices
561110 - Office administrative services
561210 - Facilities support services
561311 - Employment placement agencies
561320 - Temporary help services
561330 - Professional employer organizations
561710 - Exterminating and pest control services
561720 - Janitorial services
561730 - Landscaping services
561740 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning services
561790 - Other services to buildings and dwellings
561990 - All other support services
562910 - Remediation services
562991 - Septic tank and related services
611110 - Elementary and secondary schools
611610 - Fine arts schools
611620 - Sports and recreation instruction
611691 - Exam preparation and tutoring
621111 - Offices of physicians, except mental health
621112 - Offices of mental health physicians
621210 - Offices of dentists
621310 - Offices of chiropractors
621320 - Offices of optometrists
621330 - Offices of mental health practitioners
621340 - Offices of specialty therapists
621420 - Outpatient mental health centers
621492 - Kidney dialysis centers
621493 - Freestanding emergency medical centers
621498 - All other outpatient care centers
621610 - Home health care services
623110 - Nursing care facilities
623312 - Homes for the elderly
623990 - Other residential care facilities
624110 - Child and youth services
624120 - Services for the elderly and disabled
624190 - Other individual and family services
624410 - Child day care services
711211 - Sports teams and clubs
711219 - Other spectator sports
711510 - Independent artists, writers, and performers
713910 - Golf courses and country clubs
713940 - Fitness and recreational sports centers
713990 - All other amusement and recreation industries
721110 - Hotels and motels, except casino hotels
722310 - Food service contractors
722320 - Caterers
722410 - Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
722511 - Full-service restaurants
722513 - Limited-service restaurants
722515 - Snack and nonalcoholic beverage bars
811111 - General automotive repair
811121 - Automotive body and interior repair
811191 - Automotive oil change and lubrication shops
811192 - Car washes
811198 - All other automotive repair and maintenance
811310 - Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
812111 - Barber shops
812112 - Beauty salons
812113 - Nail salons
812210 - Funeral homes and funeral services
812320 - Drycleaning and laundry services
812910 - Pet care, except veterinary, services
812990 - All other personal services
813110 - Religious organizations
813319 - Other social advocacy organizations
813410 - Civic and social organizations
813910 - Business associations
814110 - Private households
999999 - Unclassified
10 - All Industries
Start Year:
End Year:
or cancel
Payroll Growth Rate, All Industries, 2013-2023
Line chart with 2 lines.
Three Rivers Region vs. U.S.
View as data table, Payroll Growth Rate, All Industries, 2013-2023
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % Growth. Range: 0 to 15.
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2
% Growth
Chart context menu
Payroll Growth Rate, All Industries, 2013-2023
Three Rivers Region vs. U.S.
loading data...
Three Rivers Region
United States
End of interactive chart.
Total Payroll, All Industries, 2013-2023
Bar chart with 11 bars.
Three Rivers Region
View as data table, Total Payroll, All Industries, 2013-2023
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 12500000000.
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2
Chart context menu
Total Payroll, All Industries, 2013-2023
Three Rivers Region
loading data...
End of interactive chart.
Net New Payroll, All Industries, 2013-2023
Bar chart with 11 bars.
Three Rivers Region
View as data table, Net New Payroll, All Industries, 2013-2023
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Year.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 0 to 1250000000.
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2
Chart context menu
Net New Payroll, All Industries, 2013-2023
Three Rivers Region
loading data...
End of interactive chart.
Total Growth in Average Salary, All Industries, 2013-2023
Bar chart with 2 data series.
Three Rivers Region vs. U.S.
View as data table, Total Growth in Average Salary, All Industries, 2013-2023
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % Growth. Range: 0 to 80.
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2
% Growth
Chart context menu
Total Growth in Average Salary, All Industries, 2013-2023
Three Rivers Region vs. U.S.
loading data...
Three Rivers Region
United States
End of interactive chart.
Three Rivers Region
Butts County, GA
Carroll County, GA
Coweta County, GA
Heard County, GA
Lamar County, GA
Pike County, GA
Meriwether County, GA
Spalding County, GA
Troup County, GA
Upson County, GA
Atlanta Metro
10 - All Industries
101 - Goods-Producing
102 - Service-Providing
105 - Private Sector
1031 - Private sector
90 - Government
1011 - Natural Resources and Mining
1012 - Construction
1013 - Manufacturing
1021 - Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
1022 - Information
1023 - Financial Activities
1024 - Professional and Business Services
1025 - Health Services & Private Education
1026 - Leisure and Hospitality
1027 - Other Services
1029 - Unclassified
1030 - Government
11 - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
22 - Utilities
23 - Construction
31-33 - Manufacturing
42 - Wholesale trade
44-45 - Retail trade
48-49 - Transportation and warehousing
51 - Information
52 - Finance and insurance
53 - Real estate and rental and leasing
54 - Professional and technical services
55 - Management of companies and enterprises
56 - Administrative and waste services
61 - Educational services
62 - Health care and social assistance
71 - Arts, entertainment, and recreation
72 - Accommodation and food services
81 - Other services, except public administration
99 - Unclassified
901 - Federal
902 - State
903 - Local
111 - Crop production
112 - Animal production
113 - Forestry and logging
221 - Utilities
236 - Construction of buildings
237 - Heavy and civil engineering construction
238 - Specialty trade contractors
311 - Food manufacturing
312 - Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
313 - Textile mills
314 - Textile product mills
321 - Wood product manufacturing
322 - Paper manufacturing
323 - Printing and related support activities
325 - Chemical manufacturing
326 - Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
327 - Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
332 - Fabricated metal product manufacturing
333 - Machinery manufacturing
335 - Electrical equipment and appliance mfg.
336 - Transportation equipment manufacturing
337 - Furniture and related product manufacturing
339 - Miscellaneous manufacturing
423 - Merchant wholesalers, durable goods
424 - Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
425 - Electronic markets and agents and brokers
441 - Motor vehicle and parts dealers
444 - Building material and garden supply stores
445 - Food and beverage stores
484 - Truck transportation
488 - Support activities for transportation
492 - Couriers and messengers
493 - Warehousing and storage
512 - Motion picture and sound recording industries
513 - Broadcasting and telecommunications
516 - S02 516 Internet publishing and broadcasting
517 - Telecommunications
518 - Data processing, hosting and related services
522 - Credit intermediation and related activities
523 - Securities, commodity contracts, investments
524 - Insurance carriers and related activities
531 - Real estate
532 - Rental and leasing services
541 - Professional and Technical Services
551 - Management of companies and enterprises
561 - Administrative and support services
562 - Waste management and remediation services
611 - Educational services
621 - Ambulatory health care services
622 - Hospitals
623 - Nursing and residential care facilities
624 - Social assistance
713 - Amusements, gambling, and recreation
721 - Accommodation
722 - Food services and drinking places
811 - Repair and maintenance
812 - Personal and laundry services
813 - Membership associations and organizations
814 - Private households
999 - Unclassified
90102 - Federal Govt, Service providing
90202 - State Govt, Service providing
90302 - Local Govt, Service providing
901021 - Federal Govt, Trade, transportation, and utilities
901023 - Federal Govt, Financial activities
901024 - Federal Govt, Professional and business services
901028 - Federal Govt, Public administration
902021 - State Govt, Trade, transportation, and utilities
902022 - State Govt, Information
902025 - State Govt, Health Services & Priv. Ed.
902027 - State Govt, Other services
902028 - State Govt, Public administration
902029 - State Govt, Unclassified
903021 - Local Govt, Trade, transportation, and utilities
903022 - Local Govt, Information
903023 - Local Govt, Financial activities
903024 - Local Govt, Professional and business services
903025 - Local Govt, Health Services & Priv. Ed.
903028 - Local Govt, Public administration
1114 - Greenhouse and nursery production
1121 - Cattle ranching and farming
1123 - Poultry and egg production
1133 - Logging
2361 - Residential building construction
2362 - Nonresidential building construction
2371 - Utility system construction
2373 - Highway, street, and bridge construction
2379 - Other heavy construction
2381 - Building foundation and exterior contractors
2382 - Building equipment contractors
2383 - Building finishing contractors
2389 - Other specialty trade contractors
3121 - Beverage manufacturing
3133 - Textile and fabric finishing mills
3141 - Textile furnishings mills
3149 - Other textile product mills
3219 - Other wood product manufacturing
3222 - Converted paper product manufacturing
3231 - Printing and related support activities
3256 - Soap, cleaning compound, and toiletry mfg.
3279 - Other nonmetallic mineral products
3323 - Architectural and structural metals mfg.
3327 - Machine shops and threaded product mfg.
3331 - Ag., construction, and mining machinery mfg.
3339 - Other general purpose machinery manufacturing
3362 - Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
3363 - Motor vehicle parts manufacturing
3371 - Household and institutional furniture mfg.
3391 - Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
3399 - Other miscellaneous manufacturing
4231 - Motor vehicle and parts merchant wholesalers
4233 - Lumber and const. supply merchant wholesalers
4234 - Commercial equip. merchant wholesalers
4236 - Electric goods merchant wholesalers
4237 - Hardware and plumbing merchant wholesalers
4238 - Machinery and supply merchant wholesalers
4239 - Misc. durable goods merchant wholesalers
4243 - Apparel and piece goods merchant wholesalers
4244 - Grocery and related product wholesalers
4246 - Chemical merchant wholesalers
4247 - Petroleum merchant wholesalers
4249 - Misc. nondurable goods merchant wholesalers
4251 - Electronic markets and agents and brokers
4411 - Automobile dealers
4412 - Other motor vehicle dealers
4413 - Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores
4441 - Building material and supplies dealers
4442 - Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores
4451 - Grocery stores
4452 - Specialty food stores
4453 - Beer, wine, and liquor stores
4841 - General freight trucking
4842 - Specialized freight trucking
4859 - Other ground passenger transportation
4881 - Support activities for air transportation
4884 - Support activities for road transportation
4885 - Freight transportation arrangement
4922 - Local messengers and local delivery
4931 - Warehousing and storage
5121 - Motion picture and video industries
5171 - Wired telecommunications carriers
5182 - Data processing, hosting and related services
5221 - Depository credit intermediation
5222 - Nondepository credit intermediation
5223 - Activities related to credit intermediation
5231 - Securities and commodity contracts brokerage
5239 - Other financial investment activities
5241 - Insurance carriers
5242 - Insurance agencies and brokerages
5311 - Lessors of real estate
5312 - Offices of real estate agents and brokers
5313 - Activities related to real estate
5321 - Automotive equipment rental and leasing
5322 - Consumer goods rental
5324 - Machinery and equipment rental and leasing
5411 - Legal services
5412 - Accounting and bookkeeping services
5413 - Architectural and engineering services
5414 - Specialized design services
5415 - Computer systems design and related services
5416 - Management and technical consulting services
5417 - Scientific research and development services
5418 - Advertising, PR, and related services
5419 - Other professional and technical services
5511 - Management of companies and enterprises
5611 - Office administrative services
5612 - Facilities support services
5613 - Employment services
5614 - Business support services
5616 - Investigation and security services
5617 - Services to buildings and dwellings
5619 - Other support services
6111 - Elementary and secondary schools
6114 - Business, computer and management training
6116 - Other schools and instruction
6211 - Offices of physicians
6212 - Offices of dentists
6213 - Offices of other health practitioners
6214 - Outpatient care centers
6215 - Medical and diagnostic laboratories
6216 - Home health care services
6219 - Other ambulatory health care services
6231 - Nursing care facilities
6233 - Community care facilities for the elderly
6239 - Other residential care facilities
6241 - Individual and family services
6244 - Child day care services
7112 - Spectator sports
7115 - Independent artists, writers, and performers
7139 - Other amusement and recreation industries
7211 - Traveler accommodation
7223 - Special food services
7224 - Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
7225 - Restaurants and other eating places
8111 - Automotive repair and maintenance
8113 - Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
8114 - Household goods repair and maintenance
8121 - Personal care services
8122 - Death care services
8123 - Drycleaning and laundry services
8129 - Other personal services
8131 - Religious organizations
8133 - Social advocacy organizations
8134 - Civic and social organizations
8139 - Professional and similar organizations
8141 - Private households
9999 - Unclassified
491001 - Postal Service, Federal
11142 - Nursery and floriculture production
11331 - Logging
23611 - Residential building construction
23621 - Industrial building construction
23622 - Commercial building construction
23711 - Water and sewer system construction
23713 - Power and communication system construction
23731 - Highway, street, and bridge construction
23799 - Other heavy construction
23811 - Poured concrete structure contractors
23814 - Masonry contractors
23815 - Glass and glazing contractors
23816 - Roofing contractors
23817 - Siding contractors
23819 - Other building exterior contractors
23821 - Electrical and wiring contractors
23822 - Plumbing and HVAC contractors
23829 - Other building equipment contractors
23831 - Drywall and insulation contractors
23832 - Painting and wall covering contractors
23833 - Flooring contractors
23834 - Tile and terrazzo contractors
23835 - Finish carpentry contractors
23891 - Site preparation contractors
23899 - All other specialty trade contractors
31411 - Carpet and rug mills
32221 - Paperboard container manufacturing
32311 - Printing
32561 - Soap and cleaning compound manufacturing
32619 - Other plastics product manufacturing
32799 - All other nonmetallic mineral products mfg.
33271 - Machine shops
33621 - Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
33712 - Other household and institutional furniture
33911 - Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
33995 - Sign manufacturing
42331 - Lumber and wood merchant wholesalers
42332 - Masonry material merchant wholesalers
42333 - Roofing and siding merchant wholesalers
42343 - Computer and software merchant wholesalers
42345 - Medical equipment merchant wholesalers
42361 - Elec. equip. and wiring merchant wholesalers
42373 - HVAC equip. merchant wholesalers
42382 - Farm and garden equip. merchant wholesalers
42383 - Industrial machinery merchant wholesalers
42384 - Industrial supplies merchant wholesalers
42393 - Recyclable material merchant wholesalers
42399 - All other durable goods merchant wholesalers
42447 - Meat and meat product merchant wholesalers
42469 - Other chemicals merchant wholesalers
42472 - Other petroleum merchant wholesalers
42512 - Wholesale trade agents and brokers
44111 - New car dealers
44112 - Used car dealers
44122 - Motorcycle, boat, and other vehicle dealers
44411 - Home centers
44511 - Supermarkets and other grocery stores
48411 - General freight trucking, local
48412 - General freight trucking, long-distance
48421 - Used household and office goods moving
48422 - Other specialized trucking, local
48423 - Other specialized trucking, long-distance
48599 - Other ground passenger transportation
48819 - Other support activities for air transport.
48841 - Motor vehicle towing
48851 - Freight transportation arrangement
49221 - Local messengers and local delivery
49311 - General warehousing and storage
51211 - Motion picture and video production
51711 - Wired telecommunications carriers
51821 - Data processing, hosting and related services
52211 - Commercial banking
52213 - Credit unions
52229 - Other nondepository credit intermediation
52421 - Insurance agencies and brokerages
52429 - Other insurance related activities
53111 - Lessors of residential buildings
53112 - Lessors of nonresidential buildings
53113 - Miniwarehouse and self-storage unit operators
53121 - Offices of real estate agents and brokers
53131 - Real estate property managers
53132 - Offices of real estate appraisers
53139 - Other activities related to real estate
53211 - Passenger car rental and leasing
53212 - Truck, trailer, and RV rental and leasing
53228 - Other consumer goods rental
53241 - Heavy machinery rental and leasing
54111 - Offices of lawyers
54119 - Other legal services
54121 - Accounting and bookkeeping services
54133 - Engineering services
54137 - Other surveying and mapping services
54138 - Testing laboratories
54141 - Interior design services
54149 - Other specialized design services
54151 - Computer systems design and related services
54161 - Management consulting services
54162 - Environmental consulting services
54169 - Other technical consulting services
54181 - Advertising agencies
54192 - Photographic services
54194 - Veterinary services
54199 - All other professional and technical services
55111 - Management of companies and enterprises
56111 - Office administrative services
56121 - Facilities support services
56131 - Employment placement and executive search
56132 - Temporary help services
56133 - Professional employer organizations
56143 - Business service centers
56149 - Other business support services
56161 - Security and armored car services
56162 - Security systems services
56171 - Exterminating and pest control services
56172 - Janitorial services
56173 - Landscaping services
56174 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning services
56179 - Other services to buildings and dwellings
56199 - All other support services
56291 - Remediation services
61111 - Elementary and secondary schools
61161 - Fine arts schools
61162 - Sports and recreation instruction
61169 - All other schools and instruction
62111 - Offices of physicians
62121 - Offices of dentists
62131 - Offices of chiropractors
62132 - Offices of optometrists
62133 - Offices of mental health practitioners
62134 - Offices of specialty therapists
62139 - Offices of all other health practitioners
62142 - Outpatient mental health centers
62149 - Other outpatient care centers
62151 - Medical and diagnostic laboratories
62161 - Home health care services
62311 - Nursing care facilities
62331 - Community care facilities for the elderly
62399 - Other residential care facilities
62411 - Child and youth services
62412 - Services for the elderly and disabled
62419 - Other individual and family services
62441 - Child day care services
71121 - Spectator sports
71151 - Independent artists, writers, and performers
71391 - Golf courses and country clubs
71394 - Fitness and recreational sports centers
71399 - All other amusement and recreation industries
72111 - Hotels and motels, except casino hotels
72231 - Food service contractors
72232 - Caterers
72241 - Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
72251 - Restaurants and other eating places
81111 - Automotive mechanical and electrical repair
81112 - Automotive body, interior, and glass repair
81119 - Other automotive repair and maintenance
81131 - Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
81141 - Home and garden equip. and appliance repair
81211 - Hair, nail, and skin care services
81219 - Other personal care services
81221 - Funeral homes and funeral services
81232 - Drycleaning and laundry services
81291 - Pet care, except veterinary, services
81299 - All other personal services
81311 - Religious organizations
81331 - Social advocacy organizations
81341 - Civic and social organizations
81391 - Business associations
81411 - Private households
99999 - Unclassified
611103 - Elementary and secondary schools; Local
611105 - Elementary and secondary schools; Private
611202 - Junior colleges; State
611302 - Colleges, universities, and professional schools; State
611405 - Business schools and computer and management training; Priva
611502 - Technical and trade schools; State
611605 - Other schools and instruction; Private
622302 - Specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals
111421 - Nursery and tree production
113310 - Logging
236115 - New single-family general contractors
236118 - Residential remodelers
236210 - Industrial building construction
236220 - Commercial building construction
237110 - Water and sewer system construction
237130 - Power and communication system construction
237310 - Highway, street, and bridge construction
237990 - Other heavy construction
238111 - Residential poured foundation contractors
238112 - Nonresidential poured foundation contractors
238141 - Residential masonry contractors
238142 - Nonresidential masonry contractors
238152 - Nonresidential glass and glazing contractors
238192 - Other nonresidential exterior contractors
238211 - Residential electrical contractors
238212 - Nonresidential electrical contractors
238221 - Residential plumbing and HVAC contractors
238222 - Nonresidential plumbing and HVAC contractors
238292 - Other nonresidential building equipment contrac
238321 - Residential painting contractors
238341 - Residential tile and terrazzo contractors
238911 - Residential site preparation contractors
238912 - Nonresidential site preparation contractors
238991 - All other residential trade contractors
238992 - All other nonresidential trade contractors
314110 - Carpet and rug mills
323111 - Commercial gravure printing
326199 - All other plastics product manufacturing
332323 - Ornamental and architectural metal work mfg.
332710 - Machine shops
336211 - Motor vehicle body manufacturing
339950 - Sign manufacturing
423310 - Lumber and wood merchant wholesalers
423320 - Masonry material merchant wholesalers
423330 - Roofing and siding merchant wholesalers
423430 - Computer and software merchant wholesalers
423450 - Medical equipment merchant wholesalers
423610 - Elec. equip. and wiring merchant wholesalers
423730 - HVAC equip. merchant wholesalers
423820 - Farm and garden equip. merchant wholesalers
423830 - Industrial machinery merchant wholesalers
423840 - Industrial supplies merchant wholesalers
423930 - Recyclable material merchant wholesalers
423990 - All other durable goods merchant wholesalers
424470 - Meat and meat product merchant wholesalers
424690 - Other chemicals merchant wholesalers
424720 - Other petroleum merchant wholesalers
425120 - Wholesale trade agents and brokers
441110 - New car dealers
441120 - Used car dealers
444110 - Home centers
445110 - Supermarkets and other grocery stores
484110 - General freight trucking, local
484121 - General freight trucking, long-distance TL
484122 - General freight trucking, long-distance LTL
484210 - Used household and office goods moving
484220 - Other specialized trucking, local
484230 - Other specialized trucking, long-distance
488190 - Other support activities for air transport.
488410 - Motor vehicle towing
488510 - Freight transportation arrangement
492210 - Local messengers and local delivery
493110 - General warehousing and storage
512110 - Motion picture and video production
518210 - Data processing, hosting and related services
522110 - Commercial banking
522130 - Credit unions
522291 - Consumer lending
522292 - Real estate credit
524126 - Direct property and casualty insurers
524210 - Insurance agencies and brokerages
524291 - Claims adjusting
531110 - Lessors of residential buildings
531120 - Lessors of nonresidential buildings
531130 - Miniwarehouse and self-storage unit operators
531210 - Offices of real estate agents and brokers
531311 - Residential property managers
531312 - Nonresidential property managers
531320 - Offices of real estate appraisers
531390 - Other activities related to real estate
532120 - Truck, trailer, and RV rental and leasing
532283 - Home health equipment rental
532412 - Other heavy machinery rental and leasing
541110 - Offices of lawyers
541211 - Offices of certified public accountants
541213 - Tax preparation services
541214 - Payroll services
541219 - Other accounting services
541330 - Engineering services
541370 - Other surveying and mapping services
541380 - Testing laboratories
541410 - Interior design services
541490 - Other specialized design services
541511 - Custom computer programming services
541512 - Computer systems design services
541611 - Administrative management consulting services
541613 - Marketing consulting services
541614 - Process and logistics consulting services
541618 - Other management consulting services
541620 - Environmental consulting services
541690 - Other technical consulting services
541715 - Research and development in the physical, engineering, and l
541810 - Advertising agencies
541940 - Veterinary services
541990 - All other professional and technical services
551112 - Offices of other holding companies
551114 - Managing offices
561110 - Office administrative services
561210 - Facilities support services
561311 - Employment placement agencies
561320 - Temporary help services
561330 - Professional employer organizations
561710 - Exterminating and pest control services
561720 - Janitorial services
561730 - Landscaping services
561740 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning services
561790 - Other services to buildings and dwellings
561990 - All other support services
562910 - Remediation services
562991 - Septic tank and related services
611110 - Elementary and secondary schools
611610 - Fine arts schools
611620 - Sports and recreation instruction
611691 - Exam preparation and tutoring
621111 - Offices of physicians, except mental health
621112 - Offices of mental health physicians
621210 - Offices of dentists
621310 - Offices of chiropractors
621320 - Offices of optometrists
621330 - Offices of mental health practitioners
621340 - Offices of specialty therapists
621420 - Outpatient mental health centers
621492 - Kidney dialysis centers
621493 - Freestanding emergency medical centers
621498 - All other outpatient care centers
621610 - Home health care services
623110 - Nursing care facilities
623312 - Homes for the elderly
623990 - Other residential care facilities
624110 - Child and youth services
624120 - Services for the elderly and disabled
624190 - Other individual and family services
624410 - Child day care services
711211 - Sports teams and clubs
711219 - Other spectator sports
711510 - Independent artists, writers, and performers
713910 - Golf courses and country clubs
713940 - Fitness and recreational sports centers
713990 - All other amusement and recreation industries
721110 - Hotels and motels, except casino hotels
722310 - Food service contractors
722320 - Caterers
722410 - Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
722511 - Full-service restaurants
722513 - Limited-service restaurants
722515 - Snack and nonalcoholic beverage bars
811111 - General automotive repair
811121 - Automotive body and interior repair
811191 - Automotive oil change and lubrication shops
811192 - Car washes
811198 - All other automotive repair and maintenance
811310 - Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
812111 - Barber shops
812112 - Beauty salons
812113 - Nail salons
812210 - Funeral homes and funeral services
812320 - Drycleaning and laundry services
812910 - Pet care, except veterinary, services
812990 - All other personal services
813110 - Religious organizations
813319 - Other social advocacy organizations
813410 - Civic and social organizations
813910 - Business associations
814110 - Private households
999999 - Unclassified